Coming soon

If you feel like your words get jumbled up when you write them down,
this is the course for you.

Can you hear the words clearly in your mind but struggle to get them down on paper in a way that makes sense? In my basic writing course, I empower non-professional writers by demystifying the components of good, clear writing.

✓ Learn the number one mistake I see non-professional writers make, and tools to fix it
✓ Practical exercises to train your brain to write more clearly and concisely
✓ Feel more confident to write creatively because you understand the basics



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You’re not bad at writing. You’re just unpractised.

Over the course of my 20 year career, I’ve been asked to review hundreds, potentially thousands, of pieces of writing. Whenever a non-professional writer tells me they struggle to write, I consistently see the same mistake.

It’s an easy fix. Over time and with practise using the exercises I give you in Good, Clear Writing, you’ll find it easier to transfer the ideas in your mind onto paper.

Your writing will flow, becoming easier and fun – as it should be for everyone.

This course is designed for non-professional writers.

Good, Clear Writing is designed for people with basic English writing skills with no formal or professional training in writing or communications. It’s not a course on grammar or creative writing, however, the content will improve your use of grammar and give you some foundational tools to write more creatively with confidence.