Take the WTF out of ESG.

Manage your sustainability program with confidence, and communicate your performance effectively to the market.

Fractional Chief Sustainability Officer for small companies. Contracted senior change manager for large-scale ESG transformation.


End-to-end ESG management and reporting services delivered by one of the few Sustainability Practitioners in Australia certified by the two globally leading ESG reporting bodies, GRI and FSA (ISSB, SASB).

Why establish a best practice ESG management and reporting program?

Accurate resource allocation

Stop wasting money on activities you think you ‘have’ to do. Allocate time and money to where it actually matters for your business.

Meet regulatory requirements

Yours, and / or that of your investors and stakeholders due to the trickle-down effect of ESG reporting legislation.

Mitigate risks

that you may not have otherwise foreseen, and capitalise on new opportunities.

Sources of capital

Create more opportunities for capital from different types of investors.

Consumer demand

Consumers (and other stakeholders) increasingly base purchasing decisions on sustainability performance*.

Retain top talent

ESG performance is linked with employee satisfaction and competitive recruitment advantage**.

Get your sustainability program under control


ESG materiality assessment

Where it all starts. Determine which ESG topics are actually relevant to your business. Options for single or double materiality assessment, depending on your business objectives.

Gap analysis
Once we’ve determined your material topics, we assess the gap between where your performance is at now and where it should be to achieve your business objectives.

ESG roadmap
A high level plan for bridging the gap between your current and desired ESG performance. Your roadmap is unique to your business; it will consider your budget, other resources and your business objectives.

Risk management and governance integration
Integrate ESG into your risk management and governance frameworks.

ESG Policy
A policy that describes your approach to ESG. This policy cannot be drafted without an ESG management program in place.

Modern Slavery Policy
A policy that describes your approach to managing your modern slavery risks. This policy cannot be drafted without a modern slavery management program in place.

Climate competent boards
Directors have a fiduciary responsibility to adequately consider climate change risks as part of decision-making. This high level education program equips your board with enough information to apply climate-related systems thinking to its company decisions. Moreover, the program is delivered with information specific to your company.

ESG Reporting
GRI, SASB, ISSB, TCFD compliant.

ESG communications
Internal and external communications to inform your organisation, customers and investors about your ESG program.

* Source: Yasser Eliwa, Ahmed Aboud, and Ahmed Saleh, “ESG Practices and the Cost of Debt: Evidence from EU countries,” Critical
Perspectives on Accounting, 2019.

My approach to solving your unique ESG challenges


  • Led by your business drivers, always

Everything we do has to have a business case. If it doesn’t make good business sense, there’s no point in doing it.

  • Iterative is sustainable

We won’t bite off more than we need to chew at any one time.

  • Excellence, on your budget

Best practice doesn’t mean big budget – including my consulting fees.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are your fees?

I have a sliding fee scale depending on the size, scale and complexity of your business, and your ESG objectives. Book a 30 minute consultation to obtain a quote.

What ESG frameworks do you use?

I’m guided by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) frameworks for ESG reporting. I’m one of the few sustainability practitioners in Australia to be certified by both these globally leading frameworks. This means your ESG program and report will be in accordance with, or in reference to, the GRI, ISSB, SASB and TCFD frameworks, as relevant to your needs.

How will you know what our ESG topics are?

I’ll undertake a materiality assessment to determine your material topics. A materiality assessment can be completed in a number of ways depending on your budget, the size and scale of your business, and your ESG objectives. I’ll discuss your options with you.